Moved… To Tears, To Life

The wind begins, distant, echoing. With each breath whispers ever closer, moving reluctant trees and restless heart. Then at once sweeps me up, with wonder, bewilderment. I am weary. Until reverence rescues me and I am keenly aware it was simply time to move. I have known little familiarity over these last few months.  A […]

The Other Side of Wham… Whamtacular!

Like a thread of hope, of truth playing out, teasing, testing, daring you to trust, the events of your life weave forth in perfect rhythm and time empowering your spirit always, always, to stretch and dance and rise in grand design, that your limitlessness be realized. It would be in keeping with Grand Design that […]

Wham…The Sweet Sound of Enlightenment

Have you ever come-to, in unfamiliar surroundings, groggy, trying desperately to focus, asking, “What happened?”, stunned to realize you’d been in an accident?  Perhaps not literally, but figuratively? This month, this time I’ve put all things cyber aside, I was hit by a freight train and until this weekend, I didn’t even know it.  Let’s […]

Here We Flow Again :)

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” H.G. Wells My life, as with all our lives, is an inexhaustible series of opportunities to adapt, to shift with the callings of spirit, flow with what the world lays before me. How we roll determines whether we struggle and strain, or surrender. I choose […]

Really? Enough? WoW!

This is a post of pure, particular, powerful, present WoW-Gratitude. In celebration of moments that I long to linger, to hold cradled in my heart for eternity, this goes out to those who have INpowered me to understand that what I am, truly am, and share is ENOUGH. Is there a greater gift we could […]

Mind Offically Blown #2

The MindFULL Mentor Series ~ An exploration for those committed to FILLING head and heart consciously, to lead self and little ones with integrity. Post #10 The world around us, is little compared to the world within us, and the magic that envelopes and uplifts us, is as vast as our ability to believe. This […]

Mind Officially Blown

The MindFULL Mentor Series ~ An exploration for those committed to FILLING head and heart consciously, to lead self and little ones with integrity. Post #9 The moment at which we feel, perhaps, we know the child before us, their ways, their ideas, how their little brain and heart ticks… they go and blow our […]

In-Breath Necessity

The MindFULL Mentor Series ~ An exploration for those committed to FILLING head and heart consciously, to lead self and little ones with integrity. Breath is the stuff of life. In, to fill the soul within, Out, to infuse the world with it. But should we forget to engage in one or the other, soon […]

Living Lemonade Grace

We are often defined, not by our ability to embrace the perfect unfolding of life, but by our ability to ebb and flow with the unpredictable, the unpleasant and the unwanted. When we look at this ‘job’ of parenting / mentoring, what is to be learned rarely comes from what we plan or schedule or […]

A Brush with Death for Heart-Full Perspective

This morning I learned that a precious and powerful friend of mine had a heart attack.  There is nothing learned by mind or heart in life that can prepare you for the gripping grief that comes when you learn that you nearly lost someone you love.  Thankfully he was able to connect with me himself […]