Memorable Mins with Lifer Friends

Karen and Jody have been my kindred buds since forever it seems. Karen since grade 5 and Jod, the moment Karen set her sights on this soulmate at the ripe age of 17. We’ve shared space to the extreme of my knowing Jody’s snoring habits and feeling compelled, from the bed across the room of […]

If I Could Instill One Power In My Children

I had one of the most exhilarating, soul-nurturing, smile-inducing, serendipity-reviving reconnects with a friend this evening. Laura Simonson (you may know her as the Doggess:) ) and I traveled this life-journey together in the soul-sis and biz realm a few years ago. We soared to glorious heights and delved into the depths of exploration of […]

A Cliche Worth Clinging To

Day #7 Hello Happily Stuffed with Treats n’ Thanks Canadians (or in sweet anticipation of tomorrow’s feast). Hello World Citizens Who I Hope Are Satisfied to Full-Bliss Daily, as well:) “An Attitude of Gratitude”, said to the point where it rolls off the tongue and over the head of most who hear.  Why?  Well, because […]