Transforming Values to Daily Action

Day #3 Ahhhh Welcome Fellow Searchers, Visionaries & Missionaries (in the people-on-a-mission-for-all-things-stellar kinda way… and spiritual-mission-with-your-kiddies-&-families if that is your way:) You now have a clear and present idea of what your core values are for yourself (See Day#2).  Good…great… awesome even.  “Now what do I do with that”? you may be wondering. Your actions […]

Building from the Core Out

Day #2 Hello Radiant Leaders, If I were to put a 3D visual to our journey as leaders and mentors of the generations to come, rather than a tall towering building lifting up to the sky, I see us as a glowing, growing sphere, like the sun, with rays reaching far and wide, ever expanding.  […]