A Mission 4 Meaning

Originally posted on The Phone Booth Project:
“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world.” “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens FOR you.” “Relax and dream up a Good Life.” Just a few insights from within this Jim Carrey Gem . Do yourself a favour and take 4 to create a…

Moved… To Tears, To Life

The wind begins, distant, echoing. With each breath whispers ever closer, moving reluctant trees and restless heart. Then at once sweeps me up, with wonder, bewilderment. I am weary. Until reverence rescues me and I am keenly aware it was simply time to move. I have known little familiarity over these last few months.  A […]

Recovery, Discovery, Riveting Realizations

Wanna make God laugh? Tell Him your plans!! Ever get the feeling that one of two things are true of your life, either everything is a divine unfolding of spirit-expanding events OR someone’s havin’ a hearty laugh?! Ahhh but believing the former is what keeps us sane and, in all seriousness, when you spend enough […]

Courting Magnificence – U In?

Soooo another season of official mentoring and education has begun. Summer breezes are whispers of the past, lolly gagging is no longer excusable and we, as parents and worker bees, are required to step up our game. So how ya doin’? Are you embracing with grace, the ride back in, or are you eye rolling […]

Escapism at Its Finest!

Mystical sunsets, quiet contemplation, wild discoveries, bubble chasing, mine digging, shadow puppets, dirt dustings head to foot…all essential to the evolution of soul of child and adult alike. Communing with nature is the surest and swiftest way to pure, sweet escape and irrevocable rejuvenation. Here we find ourselves, amidst the trees and truth for 3-weeks […]

The Other Side of Wham… Whamtacular!

Like a thread of hope, of truth playing out, teasing, testing, daring you to trust, the events of your life weave forth in perfect rhythm and time empowering your spirit always, always, to stretch and dance and rise in grand design, that your limitlessness be realized. It would be in keeping with Grand Design that […]

Wham…The Sweet Sound of Enlightenment

Have you ever come-to, in unfamiliar surroundings, groggy, trying desperately to focus, asking, “What happened?”, stunned to realize you’d been in an accident?  Perhaps not literally, but figuratively? This month, this time I’ve put all things cyber aside, I was hit by a freight train and until this weekend, I didn’t even know it.  Let’s […]

A Spirit Runs Thru It

This is one of the most extraordinary videos I have ever “felt” (Make sure your sound is up 🙂 ). As you loose yourself in the dance, consider the magic of life, the awe-inspiring current of mystical that pulses through every moment of our lives. Even, perhaps especially, through the times when events occur we […]

Here We Flow Again :)

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” H.G. Wells My life, as with all our lives, is an inexhaustible series of opportunities to adapt, to shift with the callings of spirit, flow with what the world lays before me. How we roll determines whether we struggle and strain, or surrender. I choose […]