What a Day

After sprinkling the house with Valentine’s Day surprises for our precious boys, I sit, filled with gratitude for the day we just lived. I am spent, whirling with all we learned, experienced, moved through and soaked up.

I long to be profound, but alas there is so much, that words would dampen it all for the uttering. And so I leave you with pictures this evening and hope they speak a thousand words or more…
And an invitation to find us on Instagram @JenniferMaki for a few more details on the where n’ what 😉

I will say, that questions were abundant, laughter limitless and we shared a deep and glorious gratitude for the opportunity to explore … The King Mission of San Luis Ray, Oceanside Pier, kite flying, Ruby’s Milkshakes and, particularly our new friend rockin’ onlookers with CCR at my son’s request (he sought me out to encourage this man’s talent with a contribution)… And so it is and was, another day of WoW.

Hope you enjoy the flow of images and experiences with us….










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